Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Our Super Mario Nursery

A collage of photos from our Super fun (if I do say so myself) nursery. You can go back through the blog posts to see in progress pictures.
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  1. Awesome nursery! What is the name of the paint you used for the sky blue?

    1. Thanks, Jessica. I wish I could give you the name of our paint color. I thought I had it written down, but apparently, I did not. We've had to move from this house a couple years ago and when we went to redo our son's room, we had hoped to use the same color, but couldn't figure it out. I will tell you, we took a screenshot of a blue sky world from Super Mario World to the paint store and used that to pick our color. Here is a link to the image we used to pick our paint color.

      I hope it will help you. We went with a different color at our new home, but I don't like it as well.
