Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Our Super Mario Nursery

A collage of photos from our Super fun (if I do say so myself) nursery. You can go back through the blog posts to see in progress pictures.
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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Easy Mario Bookcase

So we didn't have a bookcase in Super G's room yet, because the hubs didn't have time to make what he wanted to make yet. That happens when you have a baby.  But with our son's first birthday coming up, we felt this was something we should get on. Unfortunately, not thinking this would turn out as cute as it did, I didn't take a before picture of the shelf.  But it was ugly. Apparently it was some sort of bookshelf that used to come with encyclopedia sets.  It was wood colored and sort of falling apart. 

We did a little love to it with some wood glue. And once it was doctored up, we painted it a nice brown color that we felt was representative of the bricks in Mario.  For the black lines, we just used some masking tape and then "painted" the lines in with one of those giant, smell so strong you'll get high, Sharpie markers.  It worked like a charm.   

We think it looks fantastic! You can see it above with our one of a kind Bob-omb lamp We think they make great companions.
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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mario Mobile

We have had these little figures done forever, but I finally got around to making them into the mobile they were intended to be. I think it turned out very cute.

For the ring, I used a clear plastic ring that came on a scarf I bought from Target.  I wrapped it in yellow yarn and then hung the bead figures from it. We did the moon, a mushroom, a cloud, and the one that is turned is a feather.